Drill sargent Jamjars reporting f'duty, sir!
Jiggy #1
When you enter Mayahem Temple, you'll see a Warp Pad. Activate another one to warp. Go up the stairs and collect the notes. You'll see a Mumbo Pad. You can't use it right now. To your left you'll see a kickball arena, punk! You can't enter, yet! Keep going up and you'll see my Hatch in a little alcove. Here, you can learn your first move, Egg Aiming! Being the kind-hearted that I am, I'll refill your energy if it gets low. But only when you see me the first time, punk! Continue up, and don't bother seeing that masked midget Mumbo, yet. Go around to the side and start climbing up the stairs of a huge tower. This tower is called Targitzan's Temple. Don't bother going inside, for you can't do anything in there without one of my advanced abilities! Walk around it and you'll find a Treble Clef. Now start climbing the tower. Once you get on the top, walk around, find a hill, walk up that one and another to find a Jiggy.
Jiggy #2
After you do that look down until you see a Hatch. Feathery Flap (hold A while in the air, punk!) down there. You will learn Breegull Blaster here. Don't bother going in that punk Targitizan's Temple, now. Walk around to the other side of the Temple and find a bridge. You'll see a Jinjo there. Those annoying little punks are what you have to rescue throughout the game. Continue across the bridge to find Bovina. Shoot all four flies in her field to get a Jiggy.
Jiggy #3
Once you get the Jiggy, do a Back Flap (press Z then A, punk!) up to the roof. Do another Back Flap to reach an alcove with an Extra Honey Comb Piece in it. I'll tell you later what these are for. Now, go back to that geeky Mumbo's hut and get that Glowbo thing in the beam of light. They're supposed to have magic powers of some sort... Continue up to the second floor an give Mumbo your glowbo and you'll gain control of Mumbo, the geeky shaman weirdo.
Controlling Mumbo is easy, but his energy is very low. I'd have him drop and give me fifty but I only teach bears and birds not weirdos... A to jump... B to zap. You can hold B, but it runs out eventually. Go back to that Mumbo Pad you saw earlier and you'll gain control of that giant thing.
Golden Goliath
Once you gain control of him, go back up to that weird mumbo door near my hatch and kick the rock with B. Now go back down and kick that boulder you saw earlier. Go to your right and kick that door open and walk inside. Go to your left, and walk in the quick sand that's infested with green monster weirdos that don't want to attack the Golden Goliath. Go over there and get a Jiggy.
Jiggy #4
Quickly, go to your right and go over to that wall thingy that's blocking the entrance to that chamber, kick it! Right about there, the magic should have run out. If you didn't get it in time, Punk, try try again. Now, you don't need that dorky weirdo anymore so go and sit in his chair.
Go back downstairs and go to your left when you leave. You'll see a bunch of snake heads poking out of a building. Use my advanced ability, Egg Aiming, to have them retreat. This lets you enter. Inside, you'll find some crying baby that says he lost Targitizan's favorite priceless relic thingy. He'll open the door on top of the building so you can go get it. Go back to that Flight Pad that you found when you kicked a boulder as the Golden Goliath. Press A to take off and go over to that building. In front of the door, is a Cheato Page. 2 down, 3 to go. Go through the door and go downstairs. Go through the curtain, and you'll see a sleeping caveman. If you tiptoe very quietly and the noisy floor around him you won't wake him. Go and get Targitizan's Favorite Priceless Relic Thingy and return it to the fat baby to get a Jiggy.
Jiggy #5
On a stack of gold is an Extra Honey Comb Piece. Go back to the beginning of the level and go through the door you opened as the Golden Goliath. You'll see one of my Hatches. You will learn Grip Grab. Use the Grip Grab to get that Jinjo up there. Now go and look for a Warp Pad, soldier! When you find it, go forward to see a Wigwam. Nearby is a Glowbo, go inside to meet Humba Wumba. She does the transformations, now. Jump inside her pool to transform into Stony. Press B to charge. Go back to that kickball tournament, and the guard will let you throuh. Go down to the training area. Two coaches are idiots and tell you obvious things, one is smart and tells you to use Z to kick. Go on to the Quarter Finals! This is easy, just take that yellow ball and kick into your goal. You move much faster than everyone else, so it's easy. When you win, go onto the Semi Finals! In this round, they added red balls which you can throw in other Stony's goals to make them lose points. Still, there's a yellow ball so get some points! When you win, go onto the Finals and there's now a black ball. The black balls are actually bombs which you can kick at a teammate to have them get dizzy and pause for a while. Win, and you get a Jiggy.
Jiggy #6
Go back down to that area of water near the flight pad and jump down there to get a Jinjo. Go through that place where the rock used to be (on the Mumbo Door that you kicked with the Golden Goliath, not the place where you learned Grip Grab) Anyway, go in there, as the Stony, and talk to the statue next to the doorway. He'll give you a code. Go and press the order of what he said in the Sun, Moon, and Star buttons over there. It looks like you're freeing that beaver thing inside but he doesn't want to get out that way. You have to break that rock, but you can't right now. Before you change back, warp back to the entrance and you should be able to fit in a litle alcove behind the entrance. Inside is an Extra Honey Comb Piece. Go and change back to Banjo-Kazooie and go back to that chamber you opened with the Golden Goliath. Trot up to the top, and try to Back Flap up to the bottom right corner of the top and tiptoe over to the Jiggy that snake is guarding. If you wake him up, he'll eat the Jiggy and wait for you to leave. When you do, he'll spit it out again and go to sleep. So, go and get that Jiggy!
Jiggy #7
After that, Punk, Grip Grab on the crack to your right to find a Cheato Page! 3 down, 2 to go. Now, go into the chamber. This chamber turns out to be the Code Chamber. Right now, I'll only tell you of three cheats, Punk! The first one is... SUPERBANJO. Hit those letters with eggs when you stand on the pedestial... That cheat makes you run really fast! It is very useful. Here's one that will make the game more challenging... SUPERBADDY Will make the enemies run fast. The last one... Remember egg container followed by Jingaling? ...Ah, I'll let you figure it out on your own, Punk! That's a big cheat, and it's not my fault if you use it! It's only fun when you beat the game.....
Now, go into the Prison Compound (where you "freed" Dilberta, the beaver thing) Go into the water on the right and climb the rock ledges alongside the prison to access the roof. From there, Grip Grab in each direction along the back wall to get a Cheato Page. Just one more to go! To the right, shimmy along the wall above the water and press the B button to ward off the bear-eating plants. Press the A button to climb up to the open ledge area, and at the tunnel, you'll find the Cheato Page. Return to the top of the prison and Grip Grab onto the crack that leads to the left. Follow the crack to the left and press the Z button to jump into the Wading Boots on the ledge below. Once in the boots, quickly jump down and scuttle through the quicksand to the small island. When you get there, press B to make the boots go away and get the Jiggy.
Jiggy #8
Grab those Wading Boots to get out of there.
Now, you can go to Targitzan's Temple. When you enter, you have to collect ten Sacred Statues. Remember that you can press A infront of a door to open it. You can also stun those dart-shooting statues if you shoot the golden triangle on top. Here are the controls when you're using the Breegull Blaster. Hold R to get an aiming sight, press the left or right C buttons to move, but not taking your eyes of your opponent. Also, you can press the top or bottom C button to have Kazooie's head up or down. Once you collect ten Sacred Statues, a door will open. Go inside to enter Targitzan's Slightly Sacred Chamber. In there is a Jiggy.
Jiggy #9
Leave the chamber and head down the ramp toward the Sacred Statue in the next room. In the upper room, be sure to hug the wall on the right and open the secret passage around the corner. Follow the L-shaped tunnel to the Jinjo. Now, you must collect 20 of those wacky statues. Once you do, Targitzan will open another door. Go inside and you'll see another Jiggy. Why didn't I put that in bold, soldier? You're bound to find out...
Despotic Dizzy Totem God
This guy is pretty tough, but he's a weakling if you do it the right way. Use the left and right C buttons to dodge the darts he flings at you. Shoot the targets four times and he won't be able to feel his legs. He'll make some Moggies chase you. Beat them and repeat this process a few more times. When you do you'll get a Jiggy. There's just one more thing to do here. Go back to the flight pad near the beginning and fly on top of the Kickball Stadium. There should be a Jinjo waiting there.
If this is your first time to this level, do what it says after the first line. If not, do what it says after. the second line.
Get out of that level and go back to Jiggywiggy's Temple. You should have enough Jiggies for both Challenge 2 and 3. This gives you access to both Glitter Gulch Mine (level two, punk) and Witchy World (level three!). But before you go, go back to the Red Jinjo house and use the Grip Grab to get to the Treble Clef on the top. Now, go back to Spiral Mountain and get on top of the mountain. Get on the flight pad and fly over to the waterfall near Banjo's... er, used to be house. Once inside, Grip Grab to get behind another waterfall. Go through the tunnel and attack the BK cart to get the Blue Egg. I will tell more about this later. Now, go over to Jinjo Village, Punk! Find a sandy part of it and Grip Grab up to an icy cave. Once inside you'll find another BK pack with an Ice Key inside. Uh... You'll find out about using this a little bit later than using the Blue Egg. Now, get your hide over to Wooded Hollow and find some cracks to Grip Grab on, Punk! Once you get to the end climb up and you'll end up on Isle O' Hags (Plateau). Here, I'll discuss what the Extra Honey Comb Pieces do. Find a Bee Hive. Near one of the legs that's supporting the hive is an Extra Honey Comb Piece. Go inside the Hive and you'll find Honey B who will exchange Extra Honey Comb Pieces for an extra energy unit. You should have enough so cough it up! Now go to my hatch and learn the art of Fire Eggs. Now with your newly found Fire Eggs you can activate a switch over there near a gate. You'll see a Fire Egg switch on top, and shoot it... The gate will open and you'll find yourself in Isle O' Hags (Pine Grove). You can find another Jamjars hatch and you'll learn how to use the Grenade Eggs. Be sure and look under the water for some notes. Now, finally, we can go onto the next world. Not Witchy World, but Glitter Gulch Mine. Go, soldier! March! Hup-2, 3, 4...
Jiggy #10
Get into the waters in the Prison Compound and Bill Drill the boulder amongst the pillars (taught in Glitter Gulch Mine). Go down to the passageway and Rat-a-tat-tat-rap (B in the air...) all the boulders in a specific order. You have 45 seconds to run up and get the Jiggy. If you don't make it, you'll have to start over.